How Can Passionate Healthcare Help You or Your Loved One?

Navigating the healthcare system can be confusing, time consuming and stressful as a senior. Setting up transportation, having accurate self medical records, following doctors’ instructions, adhering to healthy lifestyle suggestions, paying/disputing medical billing errors, and medication management are often overwhelming, especially for the aging mind. Some seniors are lucky enough to have a family member who can help. Often these can be daunting tasks for someone without a medical background. 

Healthcare advocates, geriatric care managers and Aging Life Care Managers® are the experts in guiding seniors through later life preparation and managing their complex healthcare issues.  Just as you would hire a lawyer to represent you in court or for legal advice, a healthcare advocate provides expert assistance in managing your individual healthcare needs. Known as “professional relatives”, this industry is quickly growing as baby boomers reach senior citizen status, creating a large demand for increased services to our seniors. Specifically, Aging Life Care Managers®, focus on 8 knowledge areas: health and disability, financial, housing, families, local resources, advocacy, legal, and crisis intervention

Passionate Healthcare Advocacy & Wellness (Passionate HCW)  goes a step beyond traditional care management companies with the additional benefit of a licensed Occupational Therapist. Through promoting independence, occupational therapy principles and custom wellness plans we promote healthy lifestyle goals to help ensure seniors live their best lives. 

Occupational therapists are the experts at helping clients maintain or regain the ability to care for themselves and/or their loved ones. Just as you would hire an accountant to file your taxes and ensure it is done properly with the best returns, your occupational therapist is the expert at helping you safely age in place.  Visit my previous blog for further inquiry into the vast world of occupational therapy.

Seniors hoping to remain in their home settings would benefit from skilled help supporting them on their journey. Some clients may be experiencing cognitive or physical decline and need help finding the best services for their needs. Other families may be transitioning in their role to caregiver for a loved one and need training from a professional. Some seniors may not have family nearby who can check on them regularly and make sure medications are properly taken, bills paid, and safety plans in place. Perhaps out of town family members want additional help and consistent professional eyes on their loved one. Clients may be someone needing extra therapeutic assistance recovering from an illness/injury and require home adaptations to safely return to their homes. They may seek out a professional home safety assessment completed by a Senior Home Safety Specialist, focusing on present and future recommendations for safely aging in place. They may also be exploring a newly given diagnosis and needing a professional to guide them. 

We tend to take our health for granted, blissfully flowing through life from one stage to the next. Some of us are lucky enough to avoid accidents, injuries and disease….some are not as fortunate.  The pivotal moment when our health or the health of a loved one takes an unfortunate turn can be a very difficult time filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Healthcare advocates can be the friendly face you need when difficulties arise.  Being prepared, preventing avoidable healthcare issues,  and having a personal assistant who can guide you is the goal of Passionate Healthcare Advocacy & Wellness.